P.O.BOX 21640

Outstanding balances may be paid to
Dr. Susan Graham by check at P.O. Box 21640
Albuquerque, NM 87154

You may also pay by credit card or PayPal by going to PayPal and following the directions to send payment to
A PayPal account is not required to pay by credit card using PayPal.


Announcement of Special Class:

On Tuesday, September 20, and Thursday, September 22, from 1:00-3:00 pm, Dr. Graham will be teaching a class, "Becoming Your Own Healthcare Advocate: Making the Most of Your 5 Minutes with Your Healthcare Provider." Details about the class and registration can be found here.

Healthcare is changing very rapidly, both for patients and providers. Now and in the future, more than ever, patients and their caregivers must know how to be strong advocates.

The goal of this class is to provide registrants with tools that will allow them to navigate the increasingly complex medical system, so that they may be strong advocates for themselves and others.






Dr. Graham

Dr. Graham has retired from medical practice.

All patient charts have now been transferred to
Albuquerque Women's Health, PC, located at
1010 Lead SE, Suite 4,
Telephone 842-5902.

For the best continuity of care, please make your appointment with the Albuquerque Women's Health physician of your choice at your earliest opportunity.

If you will be seeing a doctor outside of Albuquerque Women's Health, PC, you will need to provide Albuquerque Women's Health with a signed authorization for them to send a copy of your records to your new physician. You will need to allow 7 - 10 business days for your records to be copied.

If you need emergency gynecological care after June 23, 2011, but before a new health care provider is found, you should go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

It has been an honor for me to serve as physician for women of New Mexico since 1989, and to get to know each of my patients. I thank each and every one of you.